The Spruce Creek Hawk Swimming Team's 13th annual 5K Charity Swim is right around the corner. While our goal is to develop and set traditions in a sportsmanlike manner in a competitive Florida High School Swimming program, we also look to support the community that has continued to support our team throughout the years. Just as we take pride in our community, we pride our academic achievements (Girls' unweighted GPA 3.737 4th statewide among large schools; Boys' 3.540 10th).
During the spring of this year, over half of our swimmers taught free swim lessons for area foster children. We have raised $1000 for the YMCA lessons for local needy children for many years because we believe it's essential everyone learns to swim and enjoy a sport we are all so passionate about. We need your help to continue as a swim team with these efforts.
Each year, the team holds a 5K Swim, which is 5000 yards, 200 laps in a 25-yard pool, roughly equivalent to running a half marathon! Our swimmers will swim the 5000 yards Saturday, September 25.
Our goal is to raise at least $1000 for this project, plus money for team expenses, which include $8000 pool rental, along with transportation costs, meet entry fees, and team equipment needs. If you can help us with a donation, we would greatly appreciate it. DONATE NOW
Want to support your favorite swimmer? Here's how:
CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT! Enter your donation amount in the Price box, add it to your cart and follow the four steps to pay. Skip Step 1; Step 2 complete billing address; Step 3 Order Review, please add your favorite swimmer in this area, list their name when you donate this will ensure we get the credit for your donation; Step 4 finalize payment.
If you wish to write a check – make it payable to Spruce Creek High School and give it to your swimmer.
Or feel free to Venmo, your swimmer, and have them give your donation to the team.
All donations are tax-deductible.
For swimmers out there, we've decided to go virtual with our 5K Swim and invite anyone and everyone to participate in supporting the team and swimming lessons program. There's no need to travel - you can Swim the 5K, wherever you are. Your local pool, out in the open water, in a lake, you don't want to swim, you can still donate it's up to you!
Want to join us in making a difference? Here's how:
The event entry fee is $20 – Our team goal is $2000 – money raised over $1000 will go towards team expenses.
CLICK HERE TO JOIN (please remember to list your name in the description)
Complete the 5K distance using a smartwatch or other GPS-enabled device between September 17 - 27. Don't forget to track your Swim!
Share your swim results and a photo on our Instagram or Facebook page to celebrate your success with our swim community!
Thank you for helping the Spruce Creek Hawk Swimming Team and allowing us to continue making a difference in the community.